What would it mean to live in a city powered by community-owned solar energy? Join us on an imaginative journey into the solar-powered future … into #LondonSolarCity
We’ve all heard the bad news. We’re in the throes of a climate emergency. We need to act now, and living in a low-carbon world means doing without.
But here at Repowering London we know there is the potential for a different story – one in which making changes means making things fairer for everyone. Where creating change is built on collaboration and creativity. Where getting more of our power from the sun means giving power to every one of us.
How do we know? We see the evidence every day in the work we do bringing community energy to Londoners. And we listen to what they tell us about how being involved in community energy makes them feel. Things like:
"I feel more optimistic about the future"
"I can feel less frightened of climate change now that I have a supportive co-op community"
"I invested my daughter's savings in something I know will help the future"
"I feel confident to take on an important role in my community"
Fuelling our ambition
It’s this kind of feedback that keeps us going. It has driven us for 10 years and gives us the energy to do more. That’s why we’ve now got even more ambitious plans. The goal is to:
Deliver 5MW of new community-owned solar energy over the next 5 years, using our proven model for community-led projects.
Raise £3.5 million to spend on London’s rooftops, using our new financing model, Repowering Finance (previously known as Repowering Communities).
Bring community-owned solar energy and its benefits to areas of London it hasn’t yet reached.
In other words, we want to begin making London a Solar City. And we’ll need the help of every Londoner to do it. That means helping everyone imagine what living in a Solar City could mean for them.
Imagining our Solar City
Our Repowering London team recently took time out to imagine what a London powered by widespread, community-owned solar energy might smell, feel and look like. What might we experience? Here are just a few of our thoughts:
- Solar panels on every eligible building – and solar canopies could provide shade to shared community spaces on our streets
- A community energy co-operative would be thriving in every London borough (maybe more than one!)
- People of all incomes living in safe, warm houses powered by accessible, local, renewable energy that is priced fairly
- Well-paid, well-trained people making London’s buildings climate-friendly, safe and warm
- Safer neighbourhoods as young people leave school with an accessible pathway to secure jobs in solar installation, retrofitting and the Green industries
- Healthier communities because the pollution created by fossil-fuel use is no longer entering our atmosphere
- A city full of community gardens, shared housing and other collaborative local projects – as co-operative working become business as usual
- Confident, optimistic people who take pride in their city and have seen that they can have power in creating climate solutions as part of a supportive, resilient community that is working together.
Being Solar Citizens
Of course, creating this bright, solar-powered future means taking the first steps today. There are ways for everyone to get involved – to become an active, empowered, ‘Solar Citizen’.
Subscribing to our newsletter is one quick win. You’ll hear first of new developments and opportunities to support community energy in London. You’ll find a sign-up panel at the bottom of this page.
There are also ways to get more involved with Repowering London either as an individual or a partner organisation. Just take a look at our pages on volunteering, corporate partnerships and even joining our team.
We’ll also be bringing you blogs on how to take action, giving you information – and inspiration – over the coming months. Until then, we hope you’ll join us in the work to make London a Solar City!
Visit our dedicated page to find out more about #LondonSolarCity. And to find out how Repowering Finance can help bring community-owned solar projects online faster, click here.